Terrie Lloyd

Terrie Lloyd Japan

    Translation Job Tips from Terrie Lloyd

    H.O: Hello! I am looking for a translation job (English <-> Japanese) in which I can work during my free time (I don’t want to have to go to the office everyday) as I am working another part time job already. Do you know of any employers or recruiting companies that offer such translation […]

      Request from India: Terrie Lloyd Advise

      I get a lot of mail from readers in India, wondering how to come and work in Japan. Here is one such recent letter from a young woman with a Commerce degree.

      S.B: I first developed an interest in Japan when I started learning the language several years ago and have passed the JLPT 4-kyu […]

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        Seishain (Regular Employee in Japan): Defined by Terrie Lloyd

        Seishain (Regular Employee in Japan): Defined by Terrie Lloyd

        Occasionally I get questions from people already working in a Japanese company who are struggling to determine if they are being discriminated against. Here is one such case:

        AB: I’d like to ask you about the distinction that many Japanese companies place between Contract and regular Seiki (full-time) employees. I have worked for a major […]

        • Marketing and PR Opportunities Terrie Lloyd Point of View
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          Marketing and PR Opportunities: Terrie Lloyd’s Point of View

          Marketing and PR Opportunities: Terrie Lloyd’s Point of View

          I don’t often talk about the job opportunities for marketing and PR positions. In fact there are a ton of jobs out there – however, you don’t hear about them much in the foreign media because of the fact that for such positions companies mostly hire from an “inner circle” of marketing professionals. To […]

            Terrie Lloyd Advice in Finding Jobs Outside Tokyo Japan

            If you’re outside Tokyo, hearing of all the job opportunities available for foreigners here in the capital must be a bit frustrating. Today we have a question from a reader in Shizuoka lamenting the lack of choice in other prefectures.

            VF: I’d like to ask for your help in finding an IT job here in […]

            Resume Structuring Tips from Terrie Lloyd

            Applying for a job with a multinational company starts with your resume. In this current economic climate, a well-written resume will usually get you to the first interview at least, so it’s important that you spend time on it.

            If you’re bilingual, you should always submit both an English and a Japanese resume. This way, […]

            Closing That Job Offer – Tips from Terrie Lloyd as Recruiting Consultant

            So, you’ve been to three interviews with the same company. You’ve met everyone from the Business and HR Managers, to the CEO for Japan. You’re totally confident that you’re the chosen one, and your recruiter is telling you that you should get ready for some good news on Monday. Then, on Friday night, the […]

            Work in the Medical Field: Terrie Lloyd interviewing Guy Harris

            Occasionally I get enquiries about work in the medical field, so I went to talk to Guy Harris D.O, the CEO of Digital Medical Communications (DMC). Guy’s company develops telemedicine and e-care platforms and services. Guy himself, has been in Japan 16 years, starting off in the rewriting and editing field for pharmaceutical companies, […]

            Terrie Lloyd Notes for Nigel (Lotus Software Developer)

            As promised, I will continue to open up my casebook of job enquiries, so that readers can have a reference to some real-world situations. Today’s case is “Nigel” who is a Lotus software developer looking to come and work in Japan for the first time. Nigel is a US citizen who has been interested […]